Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dr. Schendel removing lip hemangioma

At 8:30, Dr. Schendel came in and told me that he revmoved the lip hemangioman on Anise's right upper lip, she is doing great, and they will run the mass to pathology, to make sure they know exactly what it was.  He put in dissolvable stiches on her lip, and special instructions for Anise...no binky.  She is not going to be happy...oh no!  This surgeon works in the same practice as Dr. Roberson at the California Ear Institute, he is a plastic surgeon, and did us the favor to remove the hemangioma during the same trip...thank you Dr. Schendel!

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong mommy. The little one is at peace and the doctors are doing what they do best, helping to heal your daughter with the magic of there hands and medical knowledge. Thinking of you today lots and lots. Its good to read the updates along the way. Chin up, chest held high, she will come out of this well and STRONG and HAPPY Too.

    Too help with the binky-less issue, you might ask the doctor if its ok for her to have a straw in or near her mouth. Remember the binky is a soother for sucking, so sucking on a straw might help her to have that same sensation. XOXOX MM
